React Native’s Secret Superpower
Tags: derslerikodlamanative’sreactsecretsuperpower
Merhaba, ben Ali Kara. Özel Kocaeli Güneş Okullarında eğitim veren 6 senelik bir İngilizce öğretmeniyim. Hala okulumuzda İngilizce öğretimine devam ediyorum. Öğrencilerim ile hem çevrimiçi (zoom üzerinden) hem de yüzyüze biraraya geliyorum. Güneş okulları olarak öğrencilerimizin yabancı dil öğrenimine önem veriyoruz. Bu sebeple bir çok etkinlik ve proje ile dil öğrenimini destekliyoruz. Öğretmenlik dışında 2014 yılında hobi olarak kod yazmaya başladım. Başta eğitim içerikleri olmak üzere birçok web projelerinde görev aldım. Etüt sistemi, Öğretmen platformu, Randevu sistemi, Online ödeme sistemi, alışveriş otomasyonları gibi çeşitli projeler geliştirdim. Yapay zeka desteği ile halihazırda farklı içerikler oluşturuyorum.
React Native is the future of mobile development. I’m not kidding.
React Native is amazing! I’ve been using it for a few months now and I’m really impressed with how easy it is to use. I’ve been able to build several complex apps with it, and I haven’t had any major problems.
I’m not sure about React Native. I’ve heard good things about it, but I’m not sure if it’s right for me. I’m more of a native developer, and I’m not sure if I’m ready to switch to a cross-platform framework.
I’m not sure about React Native. I’ve heard good things about it, but I’m not sure if it’s right for me. I’m more of a native developer, and I’m not sure if I’m ready to switch to a cross-platform framework.
React Native is the best thing since sliced bread. It’s so easy to use, and it makes it so much faster to build mobile apps.
React Native is a joke. It’s not a real native framework, and it’s not going to replace native development.
React Native is the greatest thing since the iPhone. It’s going to change the way that mobile apps are developed.
React Native is a great framework for building cross-platform mobile apps. It’s easy to learn and use, and it can save developers a lot of time and money.
React Native is the best thing since sliced bread. It’s so easy to use, and it makes it so much faster to build mobile apps.
React Native is the greatest thing since the iPhone. It’s going to change the way that mobile apps are developed.
React Native is the future of mobile development. I’m not kidding.
I’m not sure about React Native. I’ve heard good things about it, but I’m not sure if it’s right for me. I’m more of a native developer, and I’m not sure if I’m ready to switch to a cross-platform framework.
React Native is a joke. It’s not a real native framework, and it’s not going to replace native development.