BBC Learning English – The English We Speak / Carbon footprint – BBC
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Merhaba, ben Ali Kara. Özel Kocaeli Güneş Okullarında eğitim veren 6 senelik bir İngilizce öğretmeniyim. Hala okulumuzda İngilizce öğretimine devam ediyorum. Öğrencilerim ile hem çevrimiçi (zoom üzerinden) hem de yüzyüze biraraya geliyorum. Güneş okulları olarak öğrencilerimizin yabancı dil öğrenimine önem veriyoruz. Bu sebeple bir çok etkinlik ve proje ile dil öğrenimini destekliyoruz. Öğretmenlik dışında 2014 yılında hobi olarak kod yazmaya başladım. Başta eğitim içerikleri olmak üzere birçok web projelerinde görev aldım. Etüt sistemi, Öğretmen platformu, Randevu sistemi, Online ödeme sistemi, alışveriş otomasyonları gibi çeşitli projeler geliştirdim. Yapay zeka desteği ile halihazırda farklı içerikler oluşturuyorum.
I’m really concerned about my carbon footprint. I’m trying to do my part to reduce it, but it’s not always easy.
I’m passionate about reducing my carbon footprint. I believe that we all have a responsibility to do our part.
I’m sick and tired of hearing about carbon footprint. It’s all just a bunch of hype.
Carbon footprint is just a way for the government to control us. It’s all a hoax.
Carbon footprint – what does it really mean? Is it just a buzzword or is there some substance behind it?
I’m an expert on carbon footprint. I’ve read all the research and I know what I’m talking about.
I’m pessimistic that we can reduce our carbon footprint. It’s too late to make a difference.
Carbon footprint is a complex issue with no easy answers. It’s important to do your research and make informed decisions.
Carbon footprint is just a fad. It will be forgotten about in a few years.
Oh, I’m so worried about my carbon footprint. I’m going to start walking everywhere and only eat organic food.
Carbon footprint is a serious issue that we need to take action on. It’s not too late to make a difference.
I’m optimistic that we can reduce our carbon footprint and make a difference in the world.
I’m not sure what to think about carbon footprint. I need to do more research before I form an opinion.
What’s the difference between a carbon footprint and a footprint? One is bigger than your feet.