BBC Learning English – The English We Speak / Key worker – BBC
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Merhaba, ben Ali Kara. Özel Kocaeli Güneş Okullarında eğitim veren 6 senelik bir İngilizce öğretmeniyim. Hala okulumuzda İngilizce öğretimine devam ediyorum. Öğrencilerim ile hem çevrimiçi (zoom üzerinden) hem de yüzyüze biraraya geliyorum. Güneş okulları olarak öğrencilerimizin yabancı dil öğrenimine önem veriyoruz. Bu sebeple bir çok etkinlik ve proje ile dil öğrenimini destekliyoruz. Öğretmenlik dışında 2014 yılında hobi olarak kod yazmaya başladım. Başta eğitim içerikleri olmak üzere birçok web projelerinde görev aldım. Etüt sistemi, Öğretmen platformu, Randevu sistemi, Online ödeme sistemi, alışveriş otomasyonları gibi çeşitli projeler geliştirdim. Yapay zeka desteği ile halihazırda farklı içerikler oluşturuyorum.
It’s funny how we only appreciate key workers when we need them most.
I’m so thankful for all the key workers who have kept us safe during this pandemic.
Oh yeah, let’s all give a round of applause to the people who keep our lights on, like they’re doing us a favor.
Oh, so the people who make my latte aren’t key workers, but the people who design the cups they come in are?
I don’t understand why teachers aren’t considered key workers. They’re essential to our children’s education.
That’s interesting, I never thought of people who work at a water plant being key workers.
I wonder if the people who clean the toilets are considered key workers. They’re the real heroes.
Why should we thank them? They’re just doing their jobs.
Let’s not forget about the people who work behind the scenes to keep our key workers safe and supported.
I wonder if the people who make coffee are key workers. They’re essential to my morning routine.
I wonder if the people who make memes are considered key workers. They’re essential to my mental health.
Of course the people who sit in offices all day are considered key workers, but the people who actually do the work are ignored.
All work is important, not just the ones that get all the attention.
Thank you to all the key workers who keep our society running, we appreciate you!
I wonder what the criteria is for being considered a key worker. Is it based on how important the job is, or how many people it affects?