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How to Create Tables Using the React-Data-Table-Component Library in React & TypeScript

How to Create Tables Using the React-Data-Table-Component Library in React & TypeScript

In this tutorial, I’ll teach you how to use the react-data-table-component library in your React projects. You’ll learn how to render a table that has features such as pagination, searching/filtering, and sorting.

I’ll walk you through each step, from setting up a React and TypeScript project with Vite to using the react-data-table-component library to render a table.

To follow along with this tutorial, there are a few prerequisites:

  1. A basic understanding of React and TypeScript
  2. Basic knowledge of Bootstrap, which we’ll use for styling
  3. For Windows OS users, know how to use the PowerShell terminal (as you’ll need an interactive terminal to create the project with Vite)
  4. Node v20.11.1 installed
  5. npm v10.2.4 installed
  6. A code editor such as Visual Studio Code (VS Code) or Atom

Let’s start creating the project!

What will we build

By the end of this tutorial, you will have built a table that displays a person’s ID, name, height, and eye color.

The table will also have a search bar where users can search for a person based on the value of any of the four properties mentioned above.

Each row in the table will be selectable and each column will be sortable when the column header is clicked by a user.

1. Create a React and TypeScript Project

In the command line, create the project with the command below:

npm create vite@latest

Name the project react-data-table-tutorial .

How to Create Tables Using the React-Data-Table-Component Library in React & TypeScript
Figure 1.0 Creating the React & TypeScript project with Vite on PowerShell command line. Naming the project react-data-table-tutorial.

Navigate to React with the up and down keys to select React. Choose React as the library you’re going to use.

How to Create Tables Using the React-Data-Table-Component Library in React & TypeScript
Figure 1.1 Selecting React as our framework by navigating to it on the list with up & down arrow keys on the keyboard.

Similar to the step above, navigate to TypeScript and choose it as the language to use.

The next step is to change directories into the project’s folder. Once you’ve done that, open the project in your code editor as seen in Figure 1.2 below. I’ll be using the VS Code editor in this tutorial.

How to Create Tables Using the React-Data-Table-Component Library in React & TypeScript
Figure 1.2 Changing the folder into the react-data-table-tutorial directory and opening the contents of the folder into a code editor.

2. Remove the Default Code Set by React

This step is just to remove any default code and stylings in the files found in the src folder.

First, remove all default styling in the App.css file and replace it with the stylings below.

body {
    background-color: white;
    padding: 160px 500px;
Remove all styles in the App.css file and replace it with this styling to the body.

Then remove the following from the App.tsx file:

  • the imported statements of the useState hook, reactLogo, and the viteLogo.
  • The destructured array and useState hook for the count variable and setCount function.
  • The returned JSX wrapped within the fragment of the App component.

The App component should look like the code-block below after all of those changes:

import './App.css';

function App(){
	return <></>;

export default App;
The App.tsx file after all of the removals of default code set by React itself.

3. Install the Libraries We’ll Need

In the project, you will need to install a few libraries:

  1. styled-components v3.23+
  2. react-data-table-component v16.8.0+
  3. Bootstrap v5.3.3

You will need to install the styled-components library to use with the react-data-table-component library.

In the command line, install all of these by using the commands below:

npm install styled-components
npm install react-data-table-components
npm install [email protected]
How to Create Tables Using the React-Data-Table-Component Library in React &amp; TypeScript
Figure 3.0 Installing the libraries on Visual Studio Code’s built-in terminal.

The installed libraries are listed under dependencies in the package.json file.

   // rest of the code in the file
    "dependencies": {
        "boostrap": "^5.3.3",
        "react": "^18.2.0",
        "react-data-table-component": "^7.6.2",
        "react-dom": "^18.2.0",
        "styled-components": "^6.1.8",
    // rest of the code in the file
The installed dependencies are listed in the package.json object.

4. Import Bootstrap in the App Component

In the App.tsx file, import the Bootstrap library at the top of the file.

This will allow us to use Bootstrap stylings throughout the project.

import "./App.css";
import "bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js";

function App(){
   return <></>;

export default App;
Importing Bootstrap into the App component.

5. Create a Table Component

In the src folder, create a sub-directory and name it components. By convention, this is to hold all of the components of the project.

In the components folder, create a file called Table.tsx. This is for our Table component.

Create a function component called Table.

How to Create Tables Using the React-Data-Table-Component Library in React &amp; TypeScript
Figure 5.0 Create the Table component in the components sub-directory within the src folder.

6. Import the react-data-table-component Library to Start Using it

Import the react-data-table-component library into the Table component.

import DataTable from "react-data-table-component";

function Table(){
	return <></>;

export default Table;
Importing the library into the Table component.

7. Create the Table in the Table Component

Create a <div> container within the fragment and add Bootstrap styling of container and my-5 to place the table in the center of the page.

Add the DataTable component as the child of the <div> container.

import DataTable from 'react-data-table-component';

function Table(){
	return (
        	<div className="container my-5">
            	<DataTable />
Adding the DataTable component as a child of the div container.

Pass the columns and rows of the table as props to the DataTable component.

The column headers of the table are objects that will be stored in an array. The rows of the table will also be stored in a similar way. The array of objects for both will have these structures:

const columns = [
        name: "ID",
        selector: row => row.id
        name: "Full Name",
        selector: row => row.fullName
        name: "Height",
        selector: row => row.height
        name: "Weight",
        selector: row => row.weight
The structure of the column headers of the table.
const rows = [
    	id: 1,
        fullName: "John Doe",
        height: "1.75m",
        weight: "89kg",
    	id: 2,
        fullName: "Jane Doe",
        height: "1.64m",
        weight: "55kg",
    	id: 3,
        fullName: "Sheera Maine",
        height: "1.69m",
        weight: "74kg",
The structure of the rows of the table.

These constants are then passed into the DataTable component as such:

<DataTable columns={columns} data={rows} />
Passing the two constants into the DataTable props.

Create a columns constant that is an array of objects that has four columns headers for personID, fullName, height, and eyeColor.

Create a rows constant that is an array of objects that has 15 objects which is equivalent to data for 15 people.

Pass the two constants into their respective props in the DataTable component as seen in the next code-block.

function Table(){
	const columns = [
            name: "ID",
            selector: (row) => row.personID,
            name: "Full Name",
            selector: (row) => row.fullName,
            name: "Height",
            selector: (row) => row.height,
            name: "eyeColor",
            selector: (row) => row.eyeColor,
    const rows = [
           personID: 1,
           fullName: "Kate Shein",
           height: "1.79m",
           eyeColor: "blue",
        //....remaining objects for the 2nd to 14th person
           personID: 15,
           fullName: "Isabella Thompson",
           height: "1.79m",
           eyeColor: "blue",
Defining the columns and rows constants & passing them as props to the DataTable component in the Table component

You will also add the fixedHeader prop to the DataTable component to keep the column header fixed when a user scrolls down the table that has more than 10 records.

Give the table a title by passing the title prop to the component and its value is whatever you would like to call your table.

<div class="container">
        title="React-Data-Table-Component Tutorial."
The DataTable component.

Back in the App component, import the Table component and place it within the fragment.

import "./App.css";
import "bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.bundle.min.js";
import Table from "./components/Table";

function App(){
    return (
           <Table />

export default App;
Importing the Table component and returning it in the App component.

8. Add Pagination and Sorting, and Make Each Row Selectable

Pagination and selectableRows

Add the pagination and selectableRows props to the DataTable component.

By default, the first page has the first 10 records. If there needs to be API calls from the server side for custom pagination, then you can use the paginationServer property along with the paginationTotalRows, onChangeRowsPerPage and onChangePage properties which work in conjunction with a few other things.

But for now, let’s stick with the pagination property.

//...rest of the code in the function component
<div className="container d-flex justify-content-center my-5">
        title="React-Data-Table-Component Tutorial"
//...rest of the code in the function component
Adding the pagination and selectableRows properties in the DataTable component.


In the DataTable component, add the sortable property to each object in the columns constant. Give it a boolean value of true so that sorting is applied to each column when a user clicks on the column headers.

//...rest of the code in the function component
const columns = [
        name: 'ID',
        selector: (row) => row.personID,
        sortable: true,
        name: 'Full Name',
        selector: (row) => row.fullName,
        sortable: true,
        name: 'Height',
        selector: (row) => row.height,
        sortable: true,
        name: 'Eye Color',
        selector: (row) => row.eyeColor,
        sortable: true,
//...rest of the code in the function component
Adding the sortable property to each column header & setting it to true.

9. Add Searching and Filtering

Add a <div> container above the DataTable component in the returned JSX. Also add the bootstrap input-group class to the <div>.

The child element of this new container will be the <input /> of type search and we’ll use Bootstraps’ stylings for it. Use the code below:

    className="form-control-sm border ps-3"
JSX for the search bar.

An optional step is to add a search icon or use Bootstraps’ default styling for a search bar. However, we’ll leave it out for now so we can focus solely on the searching functionality.

Now, let’s import the useState hook into the Table.tsx file.

Use the hook and pass in the rows constant as the default value of our state variable. Within the destructured array will be our state variable called data and the setter function called setData.

const [data, setData] = useState(rows);

Usage of the useState hook.

Create a function called handleSearch that will be called when the onChange event listener is used on the search bar.

Pass in the event object, e, as its argument. Using type annotation, set the type of the event object to React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>.

const handleSearch = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
   // the rest of the code will be defined in here
Defining the handleSearch function.

Declare 5 variables of Boolean type as seen below:

const handleSearch = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
   let searchValue: Boolean;
   let personIDValue: Boolean;
   let fullNameValue: Boolean;
   let heightValue: Boolean;
   let eyeColorValue: Boolean;

Declare a new local constant called newRows. In this constant, filter out and return the rows/data in the rows constant where the search input’s value is the same as the value of the rows’ fullName or height or eyeColor property.

const newRows = rows.filter((row) => {
      personIDValue = row.personID
      fullNameValue = row.fullName
      heightValue = row.height
      eyeColorValue = row.eyeColor

      if (personIDValue) {
        searchValue = personIDValue;
      } else if (fullNameValue) {
        searchValue = fullNameValue;
      } else if (heightValue) {
        searchValue = heightValue;
      } else {
        searchValue = eyeColorValue;

      return searchValue;
The newRows constant.

Pass newRows into the setter function, setData.

Function call on the setter function, setData.
// definition of the columns constant

// definition of the rows constant

const [data, setData] = useState(rows);

// Handle Search
const handleSearch = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => {
    let searchValue: Boolean;
    let personIDValue: Boolean;
    let fullNameValue: Boolean;
    let heightValue: Boolean;
    let eyeColorValue: Boolean;
    const newRows = rows.filter((row) => {
      personIDValue = row.personID
      fullNameValue = row.fullName
      heightValue = row.height
      eyeColorValue = row.eyeColor

      if (personIDValue) {
        searchValue = personIDValue;
      } else if (fullNameValue) {
        searchValue = fullNameValue;
      } else if (heightValue) {
        searchValue = heightValue;
      } else {
        searchValue = eyeColorValue;

      return searchValue;
The complete handleSearch function.

Next step is to pass (not call the function) the handleSearch function into the onChange event listener.

   className="form-control-sm border ps-3"
Passing the handleSearch function into onChange.

The value of the data property in the DataTable component will now be the state variable, data instead of rows that was initially passed in.

    title="React-Data-Table-Component Tutorial."
The DataTable component.

10. View the Table

Run the project in the command line and view the table in a browser:

npm run dev
Run the project with this command in the terminal.

The table should look something like this:

How to Create Tables Using the React-Data-Table-Component Library in React &amp; TypeScript
Figure 11.0 Preview of the resulting table created.

You can read through the documentation for react-data-table-component as it has more in-depth coverage of the library’s usage that goes beyond the scope of this article.

Don’t fret if there’s a difference in your table from the expected result. The source code in this repository will guide you.

Happy coding and may your code run smoothly!


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