Eğitim 25 Nisan 2024

Listen&Learn: The Ides of March

Listen&Learn: The Ides of March

Posted by: Jaksyn Peacock

Learn about the day of Julius Caesar’s assassination.

Listen&Learn: The Ides of March
The Death of Julius Caesar by Vincenzo Camuccini, 1806

Pre-listening vocabulary

  • assassination: the murder of a political leader
  • senator: a politician who makes laws
  • elect: to vote someone into a governing position
  • tyranny: the absolute power of one person
  • debt: a payment that someone owes to someone else
  • oracle: someone who is believed to see the future
  • superstition: a belief that a random event or action will bring good or bad luck

Listening activity

Gapfill exercise

Comprehension questions

See answers below

  1. On March 15, 44 BCE, Julius Caesar
    a. was elected ruler of the Roman Republic
    b. gave himself absolute power
    c. was assassinated by his own senators
  2. To the Romans, the “Ides of March” was
    a. a religious holiday
    b. a festival for the arts
    c. a deadline for debts
  3. In Shakespeare’s play, the character who says “beware the Ides of March” is
    a. a Roman senator
    b. an oracle
    c. Caesar himself

Discussion/essay questions

  1. Some other common superstitions include crossing fingers, knocking on wood, and avoiding 13th floors. Do you believe or practise any superstitions? Why or why not?


On March 15, 44 BCE, Roman ruler Julius Caesar was stabbed in a meeting hall called the Curia of Pompey. Over 60 people participated in the assassination. Many of them were senators in Caesar’s own government. Caesar was originally an elected leader of the Roman Republic. Before his assassination, Caesar had given himself the power to rule for life. His government believed that killing him would protect Rome from tyranny. However, the incident actually caused Caesar’s adopted son, Augustus, to come to power as the first Roman emperor. March 15, the “Ides” or the middle of March, was important to the Romans because it was a deadline for debt payments. In Shakespeare’s play Julius Caesar, an oracle tells Caesar to “beware the Ides of March.” This line has led to the superstition that March 15 is an unlucky day.

Answers to comprehension questions

1c 2c 3b

Written and recorded by Jaksyn Peacock for EnglishClub

© EnglishClub.com


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